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Interface: GridComponents<Context>

Type Parameters

Context = any


optional Footer: ComponentType<ContextProp<Context>>

Set to render a component at the bottom of the list.

optional Header: ComponentType<ContextProp<Context>>

Set to render a component at the top of the list.

The header remains above the top items and does not remain sticky.


optional Item: ComponentType<Pick<DetailedHTMLProps<HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>, "style" | "children" | "className"> & RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement> & object & ContextProp<Context>>

Set to customize the item wrapping element. Use only if you would like to render list from elements different than a div.


optional List: ComponentType<Pick<DetailedHTMLProps<HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>, "style" | "children" | "className"> & RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement> & object & ContextProp<Context>>

Set to customize the items wrapper. Use only if you would like to render list from elements different than a div.


optional Scroller: ComponentType<Pick<DetailedHTMLProps<HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>, "style" | "children" | "tabIndex"> & RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement> & object & ContextProp<Context>>

Set to customize the outermost scrollable element. This should not be necessary in general, as the component passes its HTML attribute props to it.


optional ScrollSeekPlaceholder: ComponentType<GridScrollSeekPlaceholderProps & ContextProp<Context>>

Set to render an item placeholder when the user scrolls fast. See the scrollSeekConfiguration property for more details.