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Table Virtuoso with MUI table

The structure of TableVirtuoso is compatible with the markup of MUI Table. Notice the adjustment of the borderCollapse styling.

Notice that you should keep table components outside of the component defniition to avoid re-renders. If you need to interact with a state within the component, you can pass the state through the table's context prop; its value will be propagated in the below component context prop. See the press to load more example for an example usage of the context.

MUI Table virtualized with Table Virtuoso

Live Editor

const TableComponents = {
  Scroller: React.forwardRef((props, ref) => <MUITable.TableContainer component={MUITable.Paper} {...props} ref={ref} />),
  Table: (props) => <MUITable.Table {...props} style={{ borderCollapse: 'separate' }} />,
  TableHead: MUITable.TableHead,
  TableRow: MUITable.TableRow,
  TableBody: React.forwardRef((props, ref) => <MUITable.TableBody {...props} ref={ref} />),

function App() {
  const users = useMemo(() => Array.from({ length: 100 }, (_, index) => ({
        name: `User ${index}`,
        description: `${index} description`
      })), [])

  return (
      style={{ height: 400 }}
      fixedHeaderContent={() => (
          <MUITable.TableCell style={{ width: 150, background: 'white' }}>
          <MUITable.TableCell style={{ background: 'white' }}>
      itemContent={(index, user) => (
          <MUITable.TableCell style={{ width: 150, background: 'white' }}>
          <MUITable.TableCell style={{ background: 'white'  }}>

render(<App />)