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Table Virtuoso Example with Fixed Columns

Setting sticky columns is done entirely through styling.

Table with fixed first column

Live Editor
function App() {
  const users = useMemo(() => {
    return Array.from({ length: 1000 }, (_, index) => ({
      name: `User ${index}`,
      description: `Description for user ${index}`
  }, [])

  return (
      style={{ height: 400 }}
      components={{ Table: ({ style, ...props }) => <table {...props} style={{, width: 700 }} /> }}
      fixedHeaderContent={() => (
          <th style={{ width: 150, background: 'white', position: 'sticky', left: 0, zIndex: 1 }}>Name</th>
          <th style={{ background: 'white' }}>Description</th>
          <th style={{ background: 'white' }}>Description</th>
          <th style={{ background: 'white' }}>Description</th>
          <th style={{ background: 'white' }}>Description</th>
          <th style={{ background: 'white' }}>Description</th>
      itemContent={(index, user) => (
          <td style={{ width: 150, background: 'white', position: 'sticky', left: 0 }}>{}</td>