Custom Smooth Scrolling
In addition to the default 'smooth'
and 'auto'
scroll behavior values, the component accepts a custom function that accepts the current scroll location, the target scroll location and returns a custom payload that describes a smooth scroll.
Live Editor
/** * Bounce easing function - This is just an example, you can use any easing function. */ function easeOutBounce(x: number): number { const n1 = 7.5625; const d1 = 2.75; if (x < 1 / d1) { return n1 * x * x; } else if (x < 2 / d1) { return n1 * (x -= 1.5 / d1) * x + 0.75; } else if (x < 2.5 / d1) { return n1 * (x -= 2.25 / d1) * x + 0.9375; } else { return n1 * (x -= 2.625 / d1) * x + 0.984375; } } /** * If the location is too far, you can return a different smooth scroll behavior */ function customSmoothScroll(currentTop: number, targetTop: number) { return { // increase the animation frame count to smoothen and slow down the scroll. animationFrameCount: 50, easing: easeOutBounce, }; } function App() { const virtuoso = React.useRef<VirtuosoMessageListMethods<Message>>(null); return ( <div className="wide-example full-code" style={{ height: 500, display: "flex", flexDirection: "column", fontSize: "70%", }} > <VirtuosoMessageListLicense licenseKey=""> <VirtuosoMessageList<Message, null> initialData={Array.from({ length: 100 }, (_, index) => randomMessage(index % 2 === 0 ? "me" : "other"), )} ref={virtuoso} style={{ flex: 1 }} computeItemKey={({ data }) => data.key} initialLocation={{ index: "LAST", align: "end" }} ItemContent={ItemContent} /> </VirtuosoMessageListLicense> <button style={{ marginTop: "1rem", fontSize: "1.1rem", padding: "1rem" }} onClick={(e) => { = true; const myMessage = randomMessage("me"); virtuoso.current?.data.append( [myMessage], ({ scrollInProgress, atBottom }) => { return { index: "LAST", align: "start", behavior: atBottom || scrollInProgress ? customSmoothScroll : "auto", }; }, ); setTimeout(() => { const botMessage = randomMessage("other"); virtuoso.current?.data.append([botMessage]); let counter = 0; const interval = setInterval(() => { if (counter++ > 20) { clearInterval(interval); = false; } virtuoso.current? => { return message.key === botMessage.key ? { ...message, text: message.text + " " + randPhrase() } : message; }, "smooth"); }, 150); }, 1000); }} > Ask the bot a question! </button> </div> ); } interface Message { key: string; text: string; user: "me" | "other"; } let idCounter = 0; function randomMessage(user: Message["user"]): Message { return { user, key: `${idCounter++}`, text: randTextRange({ min: user === "me" ? 20 : 100, max: 200 }), }; } const ItemContent: VirtuosoMessageListProps<Message, null>["ItemContent"] = ({ data, }) => { const ownMessage = data.user === "me"; return ( <div style={{ paddingBottom: "2rem", display: "flex" }}> <div style={{ maxWidth: "60%", marginLeft: data.user === "me" ? "auto" : undefined, background: ownMessage ? "var(--ifm-color-primary-lightest)" : "#F0F0F3", color: ownMessage ? "white" : "black", borderRadius: "1rem", padding: "1rem", }} > {data.text} </div> </div> ); }; render(<App />);