Auto Resizing Virtual List
The Virtuoso component automatically handles any changes of the items' heights (due to content resizing, images loading, etc.) You don't have to configure anything additional.
The list below is wrapped in a resizeable container. Try resizing the container to see how the list reacts.
Live Editor
function App() { const users = useMemo(() => { return Array.from({ length: 100000 }, (_, index) => ({ name: `User ${index}`, bgColor: `hsl(${Math.random() * 360}, 70%, 80%)`, description: `Description for user ${index}` })) }, []) return ( <div style={{ height: 400, overflow: 'hidden', resize: 'both', padding: '1em', border: '1px solid #ccc' }}> <Virtuoso style={{ height: '100%' }} data={users} itemContent={(index, user) => ( <div style={{ backgroundColor: user.bgColor, padding: '1rem 0.5rem', }} > <h4>{}</h4> <div style={{ marginTop: '1rem' }}>{user.description}</div> </div> )} /> <style>{`html, body, #root { height: 100% }`}</style> </> ) }