Scroll Seek Placeholders
The scrollSeekConfiguration
property allows you to render a placeholder element instead of the actual item if the user scrolls too fast.
This improves scrolling performance and delays the actual load of data from the server.
Live Editor
function App() { const randomHeights = useMemo( () => Array(10) .fill(true) .map(() => Math.round(Math.random() * 14) + 1), [] ); // use the visible range to provide information // about the list current position. const [visibleRange, setVisibleRange] = useState(["-", "-"]); return ( <div style={{ display: "flex", flexDirection: 'column', height: '100%' }}> <div> Current visible range:{" "} <div> <strong> {visibleRange[0]} - {visibleRange[1]} </strong> </div>{" "} </div> <div style={{ flex: 1 }}> <Virtuoso context={{ randomHeights }} style={{ height: 400 }} totalCount={1000} itemContent={(index ) => <div>Item {index}</div>} components={{ ScrollSeekPlaceholder }} scrollSeekConfiguration={{ enter: (velocity) => Math.abs(velocity) > 50, exit: (velocity) => { const shouldExit = Math.abs(velocity) < 10; if (shouldExit) { setVisibleRange(["-", "-"]); } return shouldExit; }, change: (_velocity, { startIndex, endIndex }) => setVisibleRange([startIndex, endIndex]) }} /> </div> </div> ) } // You can use index to randomize // and make the placeholder list more organic. // the height passed is the one measured for the real item. // the placeholder should be the same size. const ScrollSeekPlaceholder = ({ height, index, context: { randomHeights }}) => ( <div style={{ height, padding: "8px", boxSizing: "border-box", overflow: "hidden", }} > <div style={{ background: index % 2 ? "#ccc": "#eee", height: randomHeights[index % 10], }} ></div> </div> ) render(<App />)