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Grouped Messages

This example showcases a chat that groups consecutive messages from the same user. The ItemContent component receives the nextData and prevData props, which allow you to determine the position of the message in the conversation. Based on the position, the message is styled differently to indicate the start, middle, or end of a message group.

You can use similar approach to render the users' avatars only once per group, or to display the message timestamp at the top of the group.

Live Editor
interface Message {
  key: string
  text: string
  user: 'me' | 'other'

let idCounter = 0

function randomMessage(user: Message['user']): Message {
  return { user, key: `${idCounter++}`, text: randTextRange({ min: user === 'me' ? 20 : 100, max: 200 }) }

function App() {
  const mounted = React.useRef(false)
  const virtuoso = React.useRef<VirtuosoMessageListMethods<Message>>(null)

  React.useEffect(() => {
    if (mounted.current) {
    mounted.current = true

    setTimeout(() => {
        Array.from({ length: 20 }, (_, index) => {
          const author = ['me', 'other'][index % 4 ? 0 : 1]
          // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument, @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
          return randomMessage(author as any)
  }, [])
  return (
    <div class="tall-example" style={{fontSize: '70%'}}>
      <VirtuosoMessageListLicense licenseKey="">
      <VirtuosoMessageList<Message, null>
        style={{ height: 800 }}
        computeItemKey={({ data }) => data.key}
        initialLocation={{ index: 'LAST', align: 'end' }}
        ItemContent={({ data, nextData, prevData }) => {
          let groupType = 'none'
          if (nextData && nextData.user === data.user) {
            if (prevData && prevData.user === data.user) {
              groupType = 'middle'
            } else {
              groupType = 'top'
          } else if (prevData && prevData.user === data.user) {
            groupType = 'bottom'

          const borderRadiusStyle = {
            none: '1rem',
            top: '1rem 1rem 0.3rem 0.3rem',
            middle: '0.3rem',
            bottom: '0.3rem 0.3rem 1rem 1rem',

          const paddingBottomStyle = {
            none: '2rem',
            top: '0.2rem',
            middle: '0.2rem',
            bottom: '1rem',

          return (
            <div style={{ paddingBottom: paddingBottomStyle, display: 'flex' }}>
                  maxWidth: '50%',
                  marginLeft: data.user === 'me' ? 'auto' : undefined,
                  backgroundColor: data.user === 'me' ? '#0253B3' : '#E6B253',
                  color: data.user === 'me'  ? 'white' : 'black',
                  borderRadius: borderRadiusStyle,
                  padding: '1rem',
        onClick={() => {
          virtuoso.current?.data.append([randomMessage('me')], ({ scrollInProgress, atBottom }) => {
            if (atBottom || scrollInProgress) {
              return 'smooth'
            } else {
              return 'auto'
        Send message

        onClick={() => {
          virtuoso.current?.data.append([randomMessage('other')], ({ scrollInProgress, atBottom }) => {
            if (atBottom || scrollInProgress) {
              return 'smooth'
            } else {
              return false
        Receive message

render(<App />)