Messaging Interface
The example below is a simplified version of the final result of the tutorial - a messaging user interface. Sending and receiving messages is simulated with buttons. The ChatChannel
class is used to simulate server-client communication. The source of the ChatChannel
class is available in the first part of the tutorial.
Key Points
- The custom empty placeholder is used for the loading message.
- The custom header is used to display a loading message when loading older messages.
- Sending/receiving messages implements a scroll location so that the list can scroll to the bottom when a new message is sent or received.
- Optimistic updates are used to display a message before it is delivered.
Live Example
Live Editor
interface MessageListContext { loadingNewer: boolean channel: ChatChannel } type VirtuosoProps = VirtuosoMessageListProps<ChatMessage, MessageListContext> const ItemContent: VirtuosoProps['ItemContent'] = ({ data: message, context }) => { const ownMessage = === message.user return ( <div style={{ display: 'flex', gap: '1rem', paddingBottom: '1rem', flexDirection: ownMessage ? 'row-reverse' : 'row' }}> <img src={message.user.avatar} style={{ borderRadius: '100%', width: 30, height: 30, border: '1px solid #ccc' }} /> <div style={{ display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', gap: '0.5rem', maxWidth: '50%' }}> <div style={{ background: ownMessage ? '#0253B3' : '#F0F0F3', color: ownMessage ? 'white' : 'black', borderRadius: '0.5rem', padding: '0.5rem', ...(ownMessage ? { borderTopRightRadius: '0' } : { borderTopLeftRadius: 'auto' }), }} > {message.message} </div> {!message.delivered && <div style={{ textAlign: 'right' }}>Delivering...</div>} </div> </div> ) } const EmptyPlaceholder: VirtuosoProps['EmptyPlaceholder'] = ({ context }) => <div>{! ? 'Loading...' : 'Empty'}</div> const Header: VirtuosoProps['Header'] = ({ context }) => { return <div style={{ height: 30 }}>{context.loadingNewer ? 'Loading...' : ''}</div> } function App() { const channel = React.useMemo(() => new ChatChannel('general', 500), []) const messageListRef = React.useRef<VirtuosoMessageListMethods<ChatMessage>>(null) const [loadingNewer, setLoadingNewer] = React.useState(false) const firstMessageId = React.useRef<number | null>(null) React.useEffect(() => { channel.onNewMessages = (messages) => { // cleanup messages that map to the same localId, they got delivered const updatingMessageIds: number[] = [] messageListRef.current? => { const updatedItem = !item.delivered && messages.find((m) => m.localId === item.localId) if (updatedItem) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion updatingMessageIds.push(!) return updatedItem } else { return item } }) // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion const nonUpdatingMessages = messages.filter((m) => !updatingMessageIds.includes(!)) messageListRef.current?.data.append(nonUpdatingMessages, ({ atBottom, scrollInProgress }) => { if (atBottom || scrollInProgress) { return 'smooth' } else { return false } }) } if (!channel.loaded) { channel .getMessages({ limit: 20 }) .then((messages) => { if (messages !== null) { firstMessageId.current = messages[0].id messageListRef.current?.data.append(messages) } }) .catch((error) => { console.error(error) }) } }, [channel]) const onScroll = React.useCallback( (location: ListScrollLocation) => { // offset is 0 at the top, -totalScrollSize + viewportHeight at the bottom if (location.listOffset > -100 && !loadingNewer && firstMessageId.current) { setLoadingNewer(true) channel .getMessages({ limit: 20, before: firstMessageId.current }) .then((messages) => { if (messages !== null) { firstMessageId.current = messages[0].id messageListRef.current?.data.prepend(messages) setLoadingNewer(false) } }) .catch((error) => { console.error(error) }) } }, [channel, loadingNewer] ) return ( <div className="tall-example" style={{ height: 800, display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', fontSize: '70%' }}> <VirtuosoMessageListLicense licenseKey=""> <VirtuosoMessageList<ChatMessage, MessageListContext> key={} context={{ loadingNewer, channel }} initialData={channel.messages} shortSizeAlign="bottom-smooth" initialLocation={{ index: 'LAST', align: 'end' }} onScroll={onScroll} EmptyPlaceholder={EmptyPlaceholder} computeItemKey={({ data }) => { if ( !== null) { return } else { return `l-${data.localId}` } }} Header={Header} style={{ flex: 1 }} ItemContent={ItemContent} ref={messageListRef} /> </VirtuosoMessageListLicense> <div style={{ display: 'flex', gap: '1rem', padding: '1rem', justifyItems: 'end' }}> <button onClick={() => { const tempMessage = channel.sendOwnMessage() messageListRef.current?.data.append([tempMessage], ({ scrollInProgress, atBottom }) => { if (atBottom || scrollInProgress) { return 'smooth' } else { return 'auto' } }) }} > Send </button> <button onClick={() => { channel.createNewMessageFromAnotherUser() }} > Receive </button> </div> </div> ) } render(<App />)